#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: M. Wolfgruber Script Function: generate dynamic DNS entry with DTDNS.org using a configurable ini-file using emergancy URL notfall.flnet.org as default to create ini-file #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include $sTimeStamp = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC $sURLo = "notfall.flnet.org" $sPWo = "notfall" $sCLIENTo = "dns-script" Local Const $sFilePath = "dns-script.ini" ; Write the value of 'AutoIt' to the key 'Title' and in the section labelled 'General'. IniWrite($sFilePath, "General", "TITLE", "dns-script.exe") IniWrite($sFilePath, "General", "VERSION", "0.1") IniWrite($sFilePath, "General", "AUTHOR", "M. Wolfgruber") IniWrite($sFilePath, "General", "INFO", "http://www.600infos.de") IniWrite($sFilePath, "General", "SERVER", "http://www.dtdns.com") ; Read the INI file $sURL = IniRead($sFilePath, "dynamicDNS", "URL", $sURLo) $sPW = IniRead($sFilePath, "dynamicDNS", "PW", $sPWo) $sCLIENT = IniRead($sFilePath, "dynamicDNS", "CLIENT", $sCLIENTo) ;output for debug ; MsgBox(64,"dtdns.com","URL: " & @Tab & $sURL & @CRLF & "PW: " & @Tab & $sPW & @CRLF & "Client: " & @Tab & $sCLIENT & "_" & $sTimeStamp, 5 ) ; Write INI file with used parameters IniWrite($sFilePath, "dynamicDNS", "URL", $sURL) IniWrite($sFilePath, "dynamicDNS", "PW", $sPW) IniWrite($sFilePath, "dynamicDNS", "CLIENT", $sCLIENT) ; load dyndns URL $sText = _INetGetSource("http://www.dtdns.com/autodns.cfm?id=" & $sURL & "&pw=" & $sPW & "&client=" & $sCLIENT & "_" & $sTimeStamp ) ;output for debug ; ConsoleWrite($sText) ; MsgBox(64,"dtdns.com",$sText,5) $sText2 = StringReplace(StringReplace($sText, @CR, ""), @LF, "") IniWrite($sFilePath, "LOG", "lastAnswer", $sText2) IniWrite($sFilePath, "LOG", "TimeStamp", $sTimeStamp) IniWrite($sFilePath, "LOG", "lastRuntime", @MDAY & "." & @MON & "." & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC ) ;EOF