====== get last pagenumber of a PDF ====== need Ghostscript e.g. download and install from http://www.ghostscript.com/download/ Install path ''C:\prg\ghostscript'' for using the script without changes \\ and have less problems with UAC @echo off echo. rem rem this file: getlastpagenumber.cmd rem version 0.1 from 600infos.de 2015-11-03 rem need Ghostscript e.g. download and install from http://www.ghostscript.com/download/ rem Install path "C:\prg\ghostscript" for using the script without changes \\ and have less problems with UAC rem :vars set __gs__="C:\prg\ghostscript\bin\gswin64c.exe" set __lastpagenumber__=1 set __pdffile__="%~1" set __pdffilename__="%~n1" set __datetime__=%date%%time% set __datetime__=%__datetime__:.=% set __datetime__=%__datetime__::=% set __datetime__=%__datetime__:,=% set __datetime__=%__datetime__:/=% set __datetime__=%__datetime__: =% set __tmpfile__="%tmp%\%~n0_%__datetime__%.tmp" :check if %__pdffile__%=="" goto error1 if not exist %__pdffile__% goto error2 if not exist %__gs__% goto error3 :main %__gs__% -dBATCH -dFirstPage=9999999 -dQUIET -dNODISPLAY -dNOPAUSE -sstdout=%__tmpfile__% %__pdffile__% FOR /F " tokens=2,3* usebackq delims=:" %%A IN (`findstr /i "number" test.txt`) DO set __lastpagenumber__=%%A set __lastpagenumber__=%__lastpagenumber__: =% if exist %__tmpfile__% del %__tmpfile__% :output echo The PDF-File: %__pdffilename__% contains %__lastpagenumber__% pages goto end :error1 echo no pdf file selected echo usage: %~n0 PDFFILE goto end :error2 echo no pdf file found echo usage: %~n0 PDFFILE goto end :error3 echo.can not find the ghostscript bin file echo. %__gs__% echo.please download it from: echo. http://www.ghostscript.com/download/ echo.and install to "C:\prg\ghostscript" goto end :end exit /b